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荷蘭有鎮(zhèn)曰怪獸 修座大橋藏蝙蝠



   負責Next項目的合伙人Bart Reuser表示這個想法來自點綴在海岸線上的二戰(zhàn)時期建立的地堡。它們那巨大的混凝土墻能很好地隔絕冷空氣,蝙蝠能在里面休養(yǎng)生息。Reuser將它們比作一座具有歷史意義的教堂上的厚磚塊。他說:“夏天教堂里很涼爽,冬天里面很溫暖——這并不是因為它被加熱了,而是因為它那結實的墻。”

   蝙蝠傾向于在頂樓定居,當熱氣從地下傳過來時,頂樓會變得非常溫暖。但由于荷蘭政府加強節(jié)能的政策,這種情況變得越來越少,蝙蝠能棲息的地方也隨之變少。為了確保怪獸鎮(zhèn)的蝙蝠能夠得到合適的避難所,Reuser和他的團隊咨詢了荷蘭哺乳動物協(xié)會的蝙蝠專家Herman Limpens。他提供的意見包括加寬板條之間的距離,在確保蝙蝠出入同時確保板條的寬度能夠防止掠食者侵入;他還要求混凝土的平均厚度為74.93厘米。



   建筑師:NEXT architects



   攝影:Raymond Rutting, Courtesy of NEXT architects

   聯(lián)系人:Ir. B. Reuser

   結構顧問:Pieters Bouwtechniek Haarlem (Frank Meijer)

   費用顧問:Laan Bouwkostenadvies (Theo Laan)

   生態(tài)顧問:Zoogdiervereniging (Herman Limpens)

   承包商:Kroes aannemingsbedrijf B.V.

   設計團隊:Bart Reuser, Marijn Schenk, Michel Schreinemachers, Jurriaan Hillerstr?m, Sylvia Hendriks, Luuc Sonke, Anne Hilgers, Anna Korzeniowska

   The Vlotwateringbrug or popularly ‘batbridge’ has opened for the public in the beginning of October. The bridge has three specific components that provide roost for several bat species. At the north side the abutment functions as a winter stay. The deck and the brick balustrade accommodate stays for bats during the summer.

   The bridge design is intended to constitute the ideal habitat for various species of bats, aiming to grow a large colony. “A textbook example of how a functional object can at the same time serve nature,” says bat-expert Marcel Schillemans from the Mammal Society.

   The project is located along a flight route of several bat species. To optimize the suitability of the bridge for bats, the structure is made out of concrete. The mass of the concrete provides a stable and pleasant climate. The underside of the bridge is provided with entrance slots. The openings have a rough finish for grip. The slots are part of a pattern of grooves in the concrete arch. Clever use is made of the structural space in the cross section to implement the roosts.

   Crossing the Vlotwatering the new bridge winds between two existing parcels and marks the entrance of the Poelzone. At the highest point, the bridge makes a turn for a clear view of the area. The wooden lamellas provide openness to the natural banks along the water. With a length of 25 meters the concrete arch spans the entire Vlotwatering. The S-shaped deck is supported with a pressure arc that slants under the bridge.

   The bat bridge becomes part of the Poelzone, an elongated area in the Westland between the existing centres of ’ s- Gravenzande , Naaldwijk and Monster. Along the waterway a new green recreational zone with natural banks and spawn sites for fish will be realized. The landscape design by LOLA Landscape is made to strengthen the existing green and ecological connections in which natural and recreational values complement each other.

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